Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Shine of rainbows

There are a few movies which will make all the other movies you have ever watched so unworthy and an absolute waste of time. I saw one such. The shine of the rainbows. If you have the time, you MUST catch it! I wept so much that my blanket was wet..

It centers around this orphan called Thomaaaas. uuh I love their accent! The movie is about how this city boy grows into loving his adoptive family living in the coast of Ireland with their own farm and cattle...

Connie nielsen OMG she is I want to say pretty+beautiful+gorgeous and yet I think it is not good enough! Cha.. I wish they made movies like these in tamil.. Okay that is a longshort, maybe hindi.

Do watch!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

raina and his many faces

Tell me one reason not to like him.

p/s: maybe this should be a disclaimer instead, he is not gay.