Tuesday, September 7, 2010

one day match in s'pre =)

As I type, I can barely keep my eyes open but it all seems worth it, every bit of it... yes it is tiring tedious exhausting but putting a smile on a person's face is undoubtedlty the bestest most satisfying thing to do =)

There will always be a few people who'll make me feel absolutely comfortable even when I am swimming under my "stars and moon" pyjamas in a ballroom filled with gentlemen in their best suits and ladies with their poise and elegent dresses *bear hugs*

On my way back, I was watching some random movie on the bus (hail the first coach officials who have added 200 new movies to the catalogue..love u guys like totally ;)) and this song is stuck in my head since. the lyrics the orchestration everything is so soothing and comforting..

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