Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bright petals everywhere =)

I love it when I manage to make you laugh
I love it when my kerchief is so neatly ironed

I love how my lunch is packed in tiny little boxes

I love the fact that my petrol tank refills itself over the weekend

I love my clothes which smells like garden blossom
I love how you tuck my into my bed
I love how you sit by my bed and entertain my "5 mins more sleep" issues

I love your warm look which feels like a bottle of hope gushed down the throat

I love how you put ME before everything else

I love how you cheer me up and fill my cup

I love how you show me to serve, to accomplish, to persevere

You are my cushion when I fall

Your inexhaustible love, Amma and Nanna

And I thank you for all of it.

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